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Meet the Book: If You Change Your Mind

Updated: May 3, 2022

In 'Meet the Book', I will introduce and review a book in a short Q&A format. Today’s ‘Meet the Book’ features an upcoming release that I was lucky to read on NetGalley!

The Basics

The Book: If You Change Your Mind

The Author: Robby Weber

The Publisher: Inkyard Press (

Release Date: May 3, 2022

Genre(s): young adult, romance, LGBTQ+

Themes/Tropes/Topics: coming of age, summer romance, love triangle, movies

My Rating: 4/5 stars


Q: What made you pick up this book?

A: I saw a post from the author on Twitter and was immediately drawn to the cover. It’s so wonderfully beachy and cute! I requested it on NetGalley after that.

Q: What was your first impression?

A: The beachy summer vibes of this book are unmatched. It takes place in a Florida beach town, which I love, and it’s full of surfing, ice cream, parties and a really sweet story on top of it all!

Q: What surprised you about this book?

A: I was impressed with how the depth of the story balanced with the light, breezy setting. Harry is a well-rounded character who learns a lot of important lessons about himself throughout.

Q: Who was your favorite character? Why?

A: I loved Logan because he seemed so genuine and kind. However, my favorite character might have been Lottie. Every time she showed up in a scene, I was laughing out loud. I love a well-written little kid character because they can be so funny.

Q: What was your favorite scene or quote?

A: This book has a great balance of funny and serious scenes. Logan and Lottie’s bonding over Pippa Pancakes was so funny and wholesome. I think my favorite moment may have been Logan’s first reaction to Harry’s screenplay. It really cemented him as a good match for Harry, even just as a friend.

An honorable mention scene is Harry performing ABBA songs with his sisters… I was so happy when I realized that the book title was a reference.

Q: Why did you give it this rating?

A: I liked this book a lot and would definitely recommend it. The characters were believable and well-developed, the aforementioned Florida summer vibes were PERFECT, and the internal and external development throughout the plot was satisfying. Harry’s constant movie and especially rom-com references also made for a fun theme throughout. Although this was a romance, there was a lot of focus on Harry’s personal development and “coming of age,” which worked really well in the context of the story. He had to figure out what he wanted before he could make any relationship decisions, and that’s an important takeaway from a YA novel. There were a couple small elements of the story that I wish could’ve been developed a bit more, and for me, the screenplay interspersed pulled me out of the main story at times. However, I think most of those things come down to personal preference! Overall, I really enjoyed reading it and would absolutely read it again!

Q: Would you recommend this? To whom?

A: I would recommend this to anyone who loves romantic comedies, summer, the beach, a love triangle or any combination of those elements.

Buy the book on Bookshop here!

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