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For the Love of True Crime

Book: Love in the Time of Serial Killers

Author: Alicia Thompson

Release Date: August 16, 2022

Genre: Romance

Summary: "Turns out that reading nothing but true crime isn't exactly conducive to modern dating — and one woman is going to have to learn how to give love a chance when she's used to suspecting the worst."

When Phoebe Walsh's estranged father dies, she ends up somewhere she never thought she'd go again: in Florida, at the house she grew up in before her parents divorced. She and her younger brother have been tasked with clearing out their father's house to put it on the market. With a true crime dissertation deadline looming, Phoebe doesn't have time for cleaning the house, helping her brother with his proposal plans, and reconnecting with her former best friend — and she definitely doesn't have time for her annoyingly alluring neighbor who might be up to something suspicious in his garage. Is his kindness designed to lure her into a false sense of security? Or is he maybe (even worse) flirting with her?

Review: Phoebe Walsh is a great romance heroine: prickly and emotionally unavailable, with a string of failed relationships behind her and no interest in trying again. That's not sarcasm — I love a main character who has no interest in being one. It's clear that Phoebe wants to keep her head down and finish her dissertation. She "doesn't need anyone," and her suspicion of everyone that stems from her complicated childhood and obsession with true crime stories gives her character an interesting edge. I was rooting for her, not only romantically, but in life — I loved seeing her develop a better relationship with her brother and her ex-best friend, and I especially appreciated seeing her come to terms with some of her past and open up more. I was impressed with the emotional vulnerability that cropped up throughout this book, with Phoebe facing her reservations head on and deciding to take steps to change things.

Sam is the rom-com guy of everyone's dreams, sweet and witty and unafraid of the walls that Phoebe puts up. Their chemistry is quiet and genuine, making it clear that the only possible conclusion is that they end up together.

The true crime angle is fresh and fun, giving Phoebe some depth but also giving the reader a new look at true crime and its popularity through the lens of Phoebe's dissertation. Overall, I thought the story and the characters were well-rounded, thoughtful, and entertaining.

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

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