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Beauty and the Books

Jasmine Guillory's 'By the Book' is a new take on a tale as old as time.

Book: By the Book

Author: Jasmine Guillory

Publisher: Disney Books (

Release Date: May 3, 2022

Summary: Isabelle Marlowe is an editorial assistant at Tale as Old as Time Publishing. Working in publishing has always been her dream, but after a few years of being under-appreciated by her boss and earning a salary that has her living with her parents at 25, she's looking for a way to make a change. When a conference in California provides the opportunity for someone to confront a reclusive celebrity who's way behind on his memoir, Isabelle volunteers. Before she quite knows what has happened, she's staying at a massive Santa Barbara mansion and working with the elusive Beau Towers on the manuscript. Though his beastly behavior appalls her at first, she begins to wonder if they could be barely even friends... or something more.

My Thoughts: If you know me, you might know that I love everything Jasmine Guillory writes, so I jumped at the chance to review an advance copy of this book on NetGalley. I won't lie, I was apprehensive about a Disney retelling. I love Disney, but I wasn't sure how the Beauty and the Beast story beloved by so many could be retold in a new enough way. However, like the magician she is, Jasmine Guillory managed to write a book that is at once original and nostalgic. In a loose BATB-like framework, Guillory develops a story that is fresh in so many ways, with lovable, complex characters. I could see so many twenty-somethings (like myself) relating to Izzy's feelings of being stuck and unsure what comes next. While Beau's "beast" character could've easily been unlikeable, Guillory writes a tortured man with a complicated past who just needs a bit of compassion, courage, and tough love. And the relationship that blossoms between them is sweet and real in a way fairy tales don't quite capture.

On top of a story that is entirely her own, Jasmine Guillory manages to pack this book with references and Easter eggs from the Disney classic. From an opening scene reminiscent of Belle's morning walk through the village, to a glorious library and a WiFi password that references everyone's favorite candelabra, this book will make any Disney lover grin. But even if you're not a Disney fan, this book stands on its own as a sweet, funny romance novel. I'd recommend it to all romance lovers, whether you've never seen a Disney movie or you have Mickey ears to match every outfit.

Rating: 5/5

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